Ketosis Diet for Weight Loss
Looking for information on the benefits of a ketosis diet? Read on!
Are you following a “paleo” diet… and yet still find that you haven’t lost all the weight you’d like to? If so, you’re not alone.
While following an ancestral diet is a powerful way to provide your body with more disease-fighting nutrients and eliminate many of the inflammatory compounds in common foods, many people find the Paleo diet alone can’t provide the metabolic shift required to melt excess fat.
The reason? Many Paleo diets include high carbohydrate foods like sweet potatoes, rutabagas, tapioca, arrowroot, fruits (high in fat-storing fructose) and many more. And while these foods are fine in moderation, especially for those who are active, they can keep blood sugar and insulin levels high… and fat cells pleasantly plump.
Enter the Paleo Ketosis Diet.
By maintaining the beneficial framework of the Paleo diet, while strictly limiting dietary carbohydrates, your body can enter a state of nutritional ketosis, where fat burning dramatically accelerates. So how does it work?
The Effects of the Ketosis Diet on the Body

As you reduce daily carbohydrates to less than 50 grams, the body has very little glucose available for use as an energy source. As a matter of survival, your metabolism shifts to utilize fat as your primary source of energy.
It is this shift – from sugar burner to fat burner – that makes the ketosis diet so powerfully effective.
As the availability of glucose dwindles, the body begins turning dietary and body fat into compounds called ketones. Ketones are a very clean source of fuel. Their transformation into energy does not produce damaging metabolic byproducts. They also act as cellular detoxifiers, actually helping to remove toxins and damaged proteins that impair cellular function (learn about how a ketogenic diet fights Alzheimer’s here).
Eating More Fat and Losing Weight
It may seem counter intuitive that a diet predicated on consuming high amounts of dietary fat can actually increase your body’s ability to burn fat.
How does this happen?
Contrary to conventional wisdom, all calories aren’t created equal. The source of calories provides information about how they should be used by the body. For example, when your blood sugar levels rise (as a result of consuming carbohydrate-rich foods), the body secretes insulin to reduce glucose in the bloodstream. Without insulin, we would die from an overload of blood sugar – even from a relatively small intake of dietary carbohydrate. But insulin also has a dark side. High insulin levels promote the storage and accumulation of body fat, primarily in the most dangerous place: The belly.
Belly fat – technically known as visceral fat – doesn’t just look ugly. It has been associated with nearly every chronic disease including diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, PCOS, and many more.
By strictly limiting carbohydrates with a ketogenic diet, we greatly reduce insulin levels. Our body shifts from burning carbohydrates and storing the excess as fat… to primarily burning fat for fuel – even without exercise.
A ketosis diet has also been found to reduce hunger, boost energy levels, increase antioxidant capacity of the blood and reduce the risk of chronic diseases including cancer!
The Evidence: Reprogramming Your Metabolism to Torch Fat, Reduce Heart Disease and Stop Diabetes
A meta-analysis recently published in the British Journal of Nutrition evaluated thirteen studies for the effects of a ketogenic diet for long term weight loss. This very low carbohydrate diet was compared to the results of a low fat diet. In addition achieving significantly greater and more sustainable weight loss, the researchers found that those on the ketogenic diet experienced improvements in three of the most important risk factors related to heart disease:
- Decreased triglycerides
- Reduced blood pressure
- Increased HDL cholesterol
Another study, published in the journal Nutrition, evaluated 363 overweight and obese participants over 24 weeks. More than a hundred of these subjects were also diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The participants followed either a low-calorie diet (LCD) or a low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet (LCKD). The researchers evaluated the subjects’ weight, BMI, waist circumference, blood sugar levels, A1C, cholesterol, triglycerides, as well as uric acid, urea and creatinine secretion.
The low-calorie diet (LCD) and the low-carb ketogenic diet (LCKD) both benefited all of the parameters evaluated. However, those on the ketogenic diet enjoyed greater improvements. In fact, the LCKD was so effective at reducing blood sugar that the diabetic participants were able to reduce or eliminate their diabetic medication early in the trial!
In another study published in Nutrition, researchers state:
Similarly, the Journal of Nutrition recently found that a low carbohydrate diet reduced both visceral fat (belly fat) and intramuscular fat while boosting insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes.
Is a Ketosis Diet Dangerous?
Some of the arguments against a ketogenic diet are focused on potentially negative health effects that may occur as a result of ketosis.
But the truth is, most people following a ketogenic diet are more likely to experience improved overall health without any short term or long term negative effects from this dietary plan.
According to Dr. Michael S Duchowny, MD who evaluated the ketogenic diet:
As always, major dietary modifications should be discussed with your health care provider – especially for those with diabetes or other chronic disease, and those on medications.
The Ketogenic Diet: The Ancestral Plan for Effortless Weight Loss and Disease Prevention
Following a ketogenic diet has been shown to be an effective way to reduce body fat, improve waist-to- hip ratio, as well as improve insulin sensitivity, control blood sugar, reduce blood pressure and improve cholesterol ratios – all key factors associated with diabetes and heart disease.
And while the ketogenic diet has gained considerable press lately, it is not a “new” diet. In fact, our ancestors were naturally in and of out of ketosis as they hunted and gathered, fasted intermittently, and typically had limited access to carbohydrate-rich foods.
By following this truly ancestral way of eating, we can not only sculpt a leaner, healthier physique, but also help to reduce chronic illnesses and improve quality of life.
Have you tried a ketosis diet? If so, what did you experience?

I used a ketosis diet 15-20 years ago (Atkins) and did quite well on it!! I lost a lot of weight, felt better, and looked better.
That is great to hear, Phillip! Thank you for sharing!
My husband and I both used the ketosis (Atkins) diet about 20 years ago, and had fabulous success, both with weight loss and improved health and energy. It was an interesting situation because we went on a cruise about a week after starting the diet! I explained to the waiters that we were on a diabetes prevention diet, and they went out of their way to be helpful, including bringing a huge plate of jumbo shrimp instead of the 2 that everyone else at the table had! The buffets were hard, but the success gave us the strength to pick yummies that were legal. Our biggest problems with it were our daughters’ worry about our health with such a “radical” diet (with little scientific backup at the time) and finding a balance as we transitioned back into a mainline diet months later.
Hi Florence,
What a great story. You and your husband have a lot of willpower to have stuck with it on a cruise – a veritable floating carb feast!
It is refreshing that so much research has brought to light the benefits of a “radical” ketosis diet and that more and more people are questioning our existing USDA recommendations.
Be Well,
Every time I start intermitent fasting or getting too low on carbs, my sleep goes down the toillet. I guess I won’t try it anymore, cause what’s the point? If you don’t sleep your weight won’t go down anyway… but that is just me, I know a lot of people feel great on it
I love that there is so much more information out there nowadays on the ketogenic diet. It has literally changed my life, not just how I look physically but how I am mentally with food too. I was scared of trying it for so long having been brought up low fat and high carb. I only wish I’d found out about it earlier! I’ve cured hormonal acne, emotional and binge eating, mood swings and lost a lot of excess fat. Also the food is so delicious. I just can’t rave about it enough!
I disagree with this post. We evolved eating starchy underground tubers, they were the backbone of our ancestor’s diet. They are nutrient dense and have a low glycemic load. They lack the anti-nutrients and inflammatory compounds that grains have as long as you peel them and cook them thoroughly. I’ve heard of many people losing the weight they needed to while eating starch. I was on a ketogenic diet and I had very low levels of energy, brain fog and my mucous membranes dried up due to lack of glucose (I was eating plenty of fat as well, in the form of avocados/eggs/butter/beef). It is best to eat some starch at every meal. “Perfect Health Diet” is a great book to read on this subject.
Hi Paul,
You disagree that people can lose significant amounts of weight via ketosis? That is a proven fact.
As to the diet that is best for an individual, I am a big proponent of biochemical individuality. There is no such thing as the “perfect diet” for everyone. For example, people with adrenal and thyroid issues do better with more carbohydrates. Carbs boost energy levels and are important to heal and repair those damaged organs. Dr. Alan Christianson’s Adrenal Reset Diet is a perfect example of this.
Regarding our evolutionary backstory, it is likely true that we did eat many forms of resistant starch and tubers, along with berries and over 100 species of plants. However, the way our ancestors ate was very different than the way we do today. They likely did not “eat a form of starch at every meal”. Their diet was sporadic as they hunted, gathered and walked long distances (and sprinted from predators). This would have caused our Paleo kinfolk to undergo what is called “intermittent ketosis” on a regular basis… probably not chowing down three times a day on sweet potatoes.
Whether or not you agree with sustaining ketosis for the purpose of weight loss, the studies continue to mount on its benefits for cognitive health (Alzheimer’s reversal in many cases), cellular waste removal, reduction of fat in the liver and a longer life span. In fact, intermittent fasting (and periods of ketosis) have been found to work as well as caloric restriction for enhancing longevity in animal studies.
Be Well,
Hi Paul,
You disagree that people can lose significant amounts of weight via ketosis? That is a proven fact.
As to the diet that is best for an individual, I am a big proponent of biochemical individuality. There is no such thing as the “perfect diet” for everyone. For example, people with adrenal and thyroid issues do better with more carbohydrates. Carbs boost energy levels and are important to heal and repair those damaged organs. Dr. Alan Christianson’s Adrenal Reset Diet is a perfect example of this.
Regarding our evolutionary backstory, it is likely true that we did eat many forms of resistant starch and tubers, along with berries and over 100 species of plants. However, the way our ancestors ate was very different than the way we do today. They likely did not “eat a form of starch at every meal”. Their diet was sporadic as they hunted, gathered and walked long distances (and sprinted from predators). This would have caused our Paleo kinfolk to undergo what is called “intermittent ketosis” on a regular basis… probably not chowing down three times a day on sweet potatoes.
Whether or not you agree with sustaining ketosis for the purpose of weight loss, the studies continue to mount on its benefits for cognitive health (Alzheimer’s reversal in many cases), cellular waste removal, reduction of fat in the liver and a longer life span. In fact, intermittent fasting (and periods of ketosis) have been found to work as well as caloric restriction for enhancing longevity in animal studies.
Be Well,