Healing Gourmet

Help your readers achieve optimal health, reach their ideal weight, and find lasting success
on the ketogenic diet – while still enjoying ALL their favorite comfort foods!

Product Highlights & Target Audience

The Ketogenic Diet provides profound metabolic and fat-loss benefits. Yet while keto is easy to understand… it can be hard to put into practice. That’s why most people who try keto cannot sustain it for longer than a few weeks!

The Instant Pot Keto Solution is truly the fastest – and easiest – path to success on keto! We solved the biggest challenges on keto and combined it with the #1 time-saving kitchen tool to help users shed stubborn fat, while enjoying more delicious meals and spending less time in the kitchen.

  • Product Components: The Keto Solution consists of a comprehensive Quick Start Guide, 28-Day Keto Meal Plan, Recipe Module, Detailed Shopping Lists, Nutrition Module, Keto Diet Food List and two bonus recipe books, covering Comfort Foods & Smoothies.
  • Customer Avatar: The ideal audience for The Instant Pot Keto Solution is health-conscious women and men age 40+ with an interest in nutrition, health, fitness, fat loss, recipes and meal planning.
  • Interests & Keywords: Keto diet, Instant pot, Paleo diet, weight loss, meal plan, low carb, disease prevention, recipes, home cooking, baking, recipes, home cooking.
  • Complete Nutrition Info & Macros: Every recipe includes full nutrition data and macronutrient ratios, so your customers can enjoy with 100% keto confidence!

Key Marketing Metrics

This product is new. Marketing metrics are being established – but if anything like previous releases, this will be another big money-maker for affiliates! Get in early!

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Top-Performing Emails

The TRUTH about Keto…

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Reveals the “Dirty Secret” why most people FAIL on keto and provides the PROVEN solution to gain an unfair fat-loss advantage and lose 12-20 lbs of pure fat in just one month.

The Instant Pot Keto Solution…

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Discover how to combine the world’s most popular kitchen tool and the world’s most popular fat-loss diet to rapidly transform your body (while spending 75% less time in the kitchen)!

Activate “Biochemical Liposuction”…

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Discover how to flip the switch to activate your body’s own “Biochemical Liposuction” for the fastest (natural) fat loss.

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