Bread is the world’s most beloved comfort food…
Nearly every country and culture on Earth has some kind of bread in their cuisine.
So, it’s no surprise that wheat is the leading source of calories in the world diet.
But there is strong evidence to suggest that the bread we love – and the wheat it is made from – could also be the number one cause of disability and disease in our society.
In fact, well-known cardiologist, Dr. William Davis, calls wheat “the perfect chronic poison.”
And for a poison, we sure eat lots of it!
The average American consumes 55 pounds of wheat flour every year. Functional nutrition expert, Chris Kresser, describes this as “a public health catastrophe.”
And it’s one you have likely experienced firsthand…
Are Any Of These Symptoms Familiar to You?
Brain fog… fatigue… blood sugar swings… weight gain… achy joints… headaches… depression… anxiety… sinus infections… digestive problems.
If you’ve experienced any of these symptoms… you’re not alone.
Eating traditional bread can elicit a range of symptoms. It might make you feel sluggish and foggy headed. It can stoke the dangerous flames of inflammation – known as the “silent killer”.
Or cause you to gain unsightly fat on your belly, butt and thighs… while packing deadly visceral fat around your internal organs.
In fact, millions of people (possibly even you) are living with the health-harming consequences of consuming wheat and either have no idea what’s wrong… or have learned to live with the symptoms as if they are “normal”.
Before I tell you more…
Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself…
My name is Kelley Herring
I’m the author of more than a dozen books on the role your diet plays in your risk for disease – and how the right foods can help you achieve your best health.
I’m also the founder of Healing Gourmet, the co-founder of Wellness Bakeries, and the creator of Meal Genius – a completely personalized meal planning program that makes following special diets easy.
I also suffer from autoimmune disease and food intolerances.
For years, I experienced a litany of “strange” symptoms – despite eating a “healthy” diet, exercising consistently and maintaining a healthy weight.
Through testing and elimination diets, I discovered my body was reacting to many of the common “staple” foods found in the American diet. That’s why I created an invaluable free guide called:
The TRUTH About Bread
Inside, you will discover the surprising research that shows how the world’s favorite comfort food can sap your energy and damage your health, including:
- Which type of bread that just TWO SLICES can spike blood sugar more than drinking a can of soda or eating a candy bar, according the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (see p. 4)
- Why the so-called “healthier” and “more digestible” form of bread – found in the freezer section of your local grocer – actually contains the HIGHEST levels of wheat’s MOST dangerous compound (wheat germ agglutinin or WGA).
- Don’t think gluten is a problem for you? The New England Journal of Medicine lists 55 conditions which can be caused by gluten – from “benign” mouth sores… to malignant cancer.
- The ONE disease-promoting process gluten does to EVERYONE who consumes it – even if you’re not gluten sensitive or have Celiac. (This is REALLY important because this tiny change can set the stage for chronic inflammation and skyrocket risk for autoimmune disease (See p. 6)
- The unique compound in wheat that’s a “dead ringer” for insulin – the fat storage hormone. The American Journal of Physiology found this compound binds to insulin receptors… and blocks your ability to burn stored fat! (See p. 7)
- The little-known “silent condition” caused by wheat – and missed by most doctors – that increases risk for mood and neurological disorders… joint, muscle and bone pain… skin problems… allergies… and autoimmune disease. (See p. 10)
And if you think gluten-free breads are a safe alternative…
Think again!
In fact, one of the most common ingredients in gluten-free breads can spike your blood sugar more than wheat… AND contain 90 TIMES more arsenic than what’s allowed in drinking water (Discover the toxic gluten-free ingredient to avoid on p. 14)
But just because traditional bread – and most “gluten-free” varieties – should be off the menu…
That does NOT mean you can never enjoy bread again, because you can still…
Have Your Bread… AND Be Well Too™!
If all this bread bashing has caused you to swear off buns, biscuits and baguettes forever, I understand.
After all, nothing is more important than your health!
But it’d be a shame if you had to miss out on these simple (and delicious) pleasures forever. The GREAT NEWS is you don’t have to!
You don’t have to give up your enjoyment of fresh-baked bread.
In fact, when you know how to use the right functional ingredients in the proper ratios you can enjoy all the delicious breads you want – without the harmful effects of grains, gluten and excess carbs.